Your life slowly moves back to some semblance of order. Apart from a few personal setbacks and oh yeah, the constant media upheavals, you could return to the root response we base our connections. Simply:

Hi! How are you doing?

Oh, I’m fine.

And you step into a new way to order your life with old, yet ineffective tools masking what you truly want to say.

FINE? Old tools.

I believe whomever invented that response, ignored the assurance from God to drop the pretense and instead opted to sell their “fine” as magic beans to Jack (or Jill)!

This isn’t a diatribe against a 4-letter word, but how it has de-escalated into a way of life. Honestly, people out there aren’t fine. They feel:

  • Frustrated
  • Invisible
  • Nervous (anxious)
  • Envious

All this adds up to not feeling FINE. The world promised fortune. The world promised fame. The world promised freedom. And in the past three years alone, we’ve seen destruction, devastation, disease, and death. We’ve blamed the angst of a promise on the supposed absence of the Provider.

But, here’s the deal, at one point in history, God created all those “fine” qualities in a Garden called Eden. His creation opted for the “magic beans,” not the provision in place and we’ve not been “fine” ever since (read Genesis 3).

So how do we reconcile the not-so fine we experience today? With a whole lot of truth – with ourselves and with others. Those magic beans we keep wishing and hoping would change our lives don’t exist. Only God can His way (John 14:6-7). We must uncover our F.I.N.E. – our frustrations, our invisibilities, our nervousness and our envies. We eliminate the faint whispers of deceit and doubt keeping us from becoming known. We listen more to the voice of truth. Those who call God, Father learn how to walk out of discouragement, hopelessness, despair, and defeat. He also contrasts life over death, blessings over curses (Deuteronomy 28) and gives us the choice to choose the world’s “fine” or His “more than known.”

“Fine” in our Lord, Jesus Christ says:

  • I have nothing to fear (Isaiah 41:10, 13)
  • I am more and nothing stands between that (Romans 8:37-39)
  • I inhabit a fortified and trustworthy shelter (Psalm 91:1, 2)
  • I feast on a balanced, spiritual diet (Galatians 5:22-23)

These areas only scratch the surface to a new way of ordering your life. How are you doing? Remember, you aren’t fine; with Christ, you are more than known. Now it’s time to share this with the world. Blessings!

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